The manufacturing process of solid finger-jointed wood consists, once the pieces of wood have been brought to a humidity level of between 12 and 18%, in purging the singularities not permitted for the targeted mechanical resistance class, in making the joints multiple at the ends of the boards (core piece orientation on the same side), then glue the joints and join the pieces by pressing in order to reconstitute a very long piece. Wood used for the manufacture of finger-jointed solid timber must be classified according to strength in accordance with EN 14081-1.
The mechanical resistance class of finger-jointed solid wood is generally C24.
The characteristic properties are defined by standard NF EN 338 for calculations with Eurocode 5.
Solid finger-jointed structural timber must comply with standard EN 15497 “Solid finger-jointed structural timber – Performance requirements and minimum manufacturing requirements”.
Douglas, mélèze et pin sylvestre sans traitement purgé d’aubier – classe d’emploi 3.2.
Douglas et mélèze avec aubier traités jusqu’à la classe d’emploi 3.2.
Pin sylvestre avec aubier traité jusqu’à la classe d’emploi 4.
Sapin et épicéa traités classe d’emploi 2.
Colle sans formaldéhyde.
Bois raboté et chanfreiné.
Conditionnement sous film anti-UV au colis.
Visual appearance qualities
Not visible: accepted singularities such as splits, heartwood, presence of blue, slight wanes, knots of medium diameter and skipped.
Visible: singularities not allowed (no splits, no heartwood, no blue, no wanes, no knots of medium diameter and skipped). Healthy knots of small diameters allowed